Revised Humber Social Media Playbook Now Available

Humber’s Social Media Policy and Social Media Procedure, collectively known as the Social Media Playbook, was first published in 2019. The Social Media Playbook was updated to reflect the significant changes to Humber’s social media presence and the broader social media landscape.   

The Social Media Playbook includes the following key additions: 

  • Social Media Account Branding: Provides a guide on how handles, names, bios, website, display photos and social media assets should appear on Humber social media accounts. See Section 2.0 in the Social Media Procedure.

  • Accessibility: Although social media falls outside the scope of AODA, the Playbook includes guidelines on how to make social media content as accessible as possible. See Section 5.0 in the Social Media Procedure.

  • Prohibited Conduct, Activity and Negative Posts: Provides guidelines to those responsible for overseeing Humber social media accounts on how to address comments and messages that may be discriminatory, constitute as harassment, etc. See Section 6.0 in the Social Media Procedure. 

The Social Media Playbook also includes updates on the following:

  • Personal Social Media Use: Updated Section 3.0 in the Social Media Policy to note that Humber social media accounts should not be used to legitimize or share personal opinions. Expanded guidance on personal social media use can also be found in Section 9.0 of the Social Media Procedure.

  • New Social Media Accounts: Additional information on the process for creating new social media accounts and guidance for social media use for classes and assignments. See Section 1.0 in the Social Media Procedure. 

The Social Media Policy and Social Media Procedure are available on the Humber Policy and Procedures page. If you have any questions, please reach out to Natalie Leung, Social Media Manager, Government Relations, Marketing and Communications at 

Thank you to everyone who provided their insights and comments as part of the policy and procedure update process.