Role and Contact Information - The Office of Human Rights & Harassment

The Office of Human Rights & Harassment (OHH) provides programs and services related to discrimination and harassment based on any of the 17 prohibited grounds identified in the Ontario Human Rights Code as well as workplace harassment (personal/psychological harassment and sexual harassment) under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The OHH believes in a collaborative, inclusive and individualized approach.

What We Do

The OHH ensures that human rights are respected and instilled throughout Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber.

Increase Awareness

  • We provide human rights training and harassment/discrimination prevention education through workshops and educational resources.
  • We deliver a speaker series on human rights and equity topics.
  • We provide group and one-to-one customized support and resources on human rights and harassment.

Ensure Legislative Compliance

We lead and coordinate compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Actthe Anti-Racism ActEmployment Equity ActOccupational Health and Safety Actthe Ontario Human Rights Code and the O. Reg. 131/16: Sexual Violence At Colleges And Universities through policy development and targeted educational awareness and communication strategies.

Ensure Timely Complaints Resolution

  • We investigate formal complaints pursuant to Humber’s human rights-related policies.
  • We provide informal intervention into human rights and harassment-related concerns through consultation, mediation, conciliation and referrals to internal and external resources.

The Office of Human Rights & Harassment can be reached at:

Thank you for your continued commitment to fostering a respectful, discrimination and harassment-free working, learning and living environment at Humber.