Safety and Health Week - Day 4: Overall Health, Safety, and Well-Being

Welcome to Safety and Health Week! All week long, Occupational Health and Safety Services will be posting health and safety information in the Communiqué. Be sure to keep an eye on these posts, as there will be a chance to win some prizes at the end of the week.

While health and safety in the workplace is always a top priority at Humber, it does not stop at work. Humber’s Well-being Strategy and Healthy You Hub was developed to help all members of the Humber community prioritize their overall well-being. Visit the Healthy You Hub for a variety of employee resources to assist with physical, mental, financial, and social health and well-being.

Physical activity can play a key role in our personal health and well-being. We would like to provide a reminder that the use of the Athletic Centre is free for all employees! Fitness centres are available at both the North and Lakeshore campuses and provide a wide variety of exercise options (including cardio and strength/conditioning). In addition, once you are in the facility, you may attend any of the fitness classes, ranging from cycling, fitness walks, boot camps, Zumba, yoga, and more. You can also sign up for personal training sessions with fully certified trainers at an additional cost. For more information on the fitness centres, including a current schedule of fitness classes, please visit the Athletics webpage.

Lastly, Occupational Health and Safety Services would like to encourage all employees to practice healthy behaviours at work and outside of the workplace. Small changes can have a substantial impact on your health and well-being. Consider the following:

  • Where possible, take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • If you work at a computer workstation, take micro-breaks to break up periods of prolonged sitting.
  • Enjoy a lunchtime walk (the Arboretum is beautiful).
  • Eat healthy and nutritious meals.
  • Take time for yourself outside of work and get plenty of rest!

Photo Contest Tip: Have you taken a fitness class recently on campus? Are you planning a walk in the Arboretum this week? Do you plan on taking the stairs when you finish work today? We’d love to see it (and that Humber pride as well).