Securing Your Credentials and Humber Data

Information Technology Services is strongly encouraging all staff and faculty to opt-in for Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) as soon as possible. Multi-factor Authentication increases security on accounts by requiring multiple forms of verification to validate an individual’s identity when signing into an application. This will help to better protect your credentials, information, and Humber’s systems.

Multi-factor Authentication and Self-service Password Reset will begin as an opt in process starting on June 2, 2021. In the fall of 2021, both will become mandatory for all staff and faculty.

How to get started:

  1. Go to  
  2. Go to the to complete your MFA setup. This is a critical step in ensuring that MFA is activated! You’re now MFA Enabled and have access to Self-Service Password reset.


For further support please reference the following resources to help with the registration process for both Self-Service Password Reset and Multi-factor Authentication:

Need additional help? Contact the I.T. Support Centre 416-675-6622 x8888 or

Tell me more!

Multi-factor Authentication 

In October 2020, Information Technology Services began the rollout of Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) for Humber College with the aim of protecting access to user accounts. To date we have rolled out MFA to all the higher risk departments in the institution for the Microsoft 365 platform, and to key users on our Human Resource Management System.

Did you know?

  • MFA can block over 99.99% of account compromise attacks
  • Analysis of breaches documented in 2020 revealed that 61% of breaches leveraged credentials

For this reason, senior leadership at the college has approved a recommendation from Information Technology Services for the mandatory adoption of MFA by all staff and faculty for fall 2021.

Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)

We are also rolling out a new tool for Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR). We have chosen to change the tool we use for password resets as the new tool is more user friendly and it provides restrictions on the type of passwords that are set to ensure that they are more complex and secure.  

With the new Self-service Password Reset Tool, users will have the ability to change or reset their password with no administrator or I.T. Support Centre involvement. The Self-Service Password Reset Tool requires two methods of authentication which ensures users will not lose access to their account if their phone number or mobile device changes.

Students will also be able to take advantage of Self-Service Password Reset.