Showcase 2023: authentic - Session Award Winners

Showcase attendees voted on sessions that best captured one of three (3) categories. The results are in and the winners are: 
Most Authentic - Best aligned with the conference theme: authentic 
Session: Pre-Arrival Group Advising at Humber College: Three-Year Findings of the Impact on Student Success and Retention 
Presenters: Dimple Rai and Phil Legate  
Most Impactful - Best aligned with the conference theme: authentic 
Session: Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity – An Authentic Way Forward 
Presenters: Jennie Miron and Alexandra Ross  
Most Innovative - Introduced new ideas, concepts, or approaches in a unique and creative way 
Session: Boost Your Health, Wellness, and Energy 
Presenter: Joseph Gibbons  
Presenters from each of the winning sessions will receive a gift card and custom Showcase t-shirt.   

Congratulations and thank you for participating in Showcase 2023: authentic 
Showcase 2023 Planning Committee