SPARK: Humber's Research & Innovation Quarterly out now

The Office of Research & Innovation and the Humber Press invite you to read the inaugural issue of SPARK: Humber's Research & Innovation Quarterly.

SPARK answers the question: How can we capture not only the breadth of the incredible research we do here at Humber but also the feeling of discovering the perfect research area to explore?

Issue 1 of SPARK is devoted to our rock star researchers, students, and industry partners. It highlights the value of conducting research at Humber, a STEAMS-based education, impactful COVID-19 research projects, and offers tips on how to craft powerful data stories from data. 

Read the full experience: SPARK: Humber's Research & Innovation Quarterly.

If you have an applied or SoTL research story you'd like to share with the Humber community, let us know!