Staff Lounge Weekly Menu

Menu for week of June 19 to June 23

Please join us at the Staff Lounge and the Street Café for lunch.

North Campus just got Friendlier. All meals will now be served in Friendlier containers. #REUSEHUMBER

Monday, June 19

  • Roast beef with onion jus
  • Canadian barley and lentil stew
  • Maple mashed potatoes
  • Steamed vegetables and salad

Tuesday, June 20

  • Pork loin with apple sauce
  • Cheese tortellini ratatouille
  • Herbed Yukon gold roast potatoes
  • Garlic bread, steamed PEI vegetable medley and salad

Wednesday, June 21

  • Chili poutine
  • Vegetarian chili poutine
  • French fries and salad

Thursday, June 22

  • Baked chicken with balsamic maple glaze
  • Three sister vegetable stew
  • Wild rice and grain pilaf
  • Steamed vegetables and salad

Friday, June 23

  • Fish and chips
  • All Canadian mac and cheese