Staircase Safety: Avoid Taking a Tumble

Over the last few days, there have been several incidents reported at Humber involving employees, students, and visitors experiencing a fall on a staircase. Although walking up and down the stairs is often an everyday occurrence, it is important to take a step back and remain vigilant.

Staircases come with some inherent dangers that are not present with level surfaces. At Humber, every precaution is taken to design staircases to reduce the potential of a misstep. While conditions, such as wet flooring, can contribute to a fall, some incidents can be caused by inattention, unsafe behaviours, and inappropriate footwear.

Consider the following the next time you need to take a staircase:

  • Remain vigilant: avoid distractions, such as using your phone
  • If outdoors, be cautious of environmental conditions (i.e., rain or snow)
  • Always use the handrail
  • Avoid carrying objects with both hands
  • Do not carry bulky items that can block your vision
  • Wear sturdy and secure footwear and keep your laces tied

If there is a slip or trip hazard present on the stairs at Humber, call 416.675.6622 x4444 (Capital Development & Facilities Management) or 416.675.8500 (Public Safety).