Thank You for Helping Our Students Grow

On June 5 at the President’s BBQ, we have something special for all Humber Gives supporters. Please look for the Humber Gives table to receive a small token of appreciation for all that you have done and continue to do for our students.

For those who have yet to give and become part of Humber Gives, just a reminder that it’s not too late! If you would still like to support our students within this academic year, giving to Humber’s food security fund helps students worry less about their next meal and stay on track toward their goals. You can also choose to support all students through scholarships, bursaries and emergency funds or direct your support to specific faculties or programs, like our Extended Society Care Fund.

Help make a meaningful difference for a Humber student today and ensure that they have the resources they need to grow and continue to succeed.

Together, we can create a campus environment where every student feels supported and empowered.


Alvina Cassiani and Wanda Buote
Humber Gives Co-Chairs

PS – If you are interested in donating through Payroll deductions, please visit our website.