Thank You for Your Support of Humber Gives

We are grateful for your generosity in support of Humber Gives this past year. Your dedication to Humber students shines through in the work that you do every day. Thanks to you, and the Humber donor community, over 1,000 students received scholarships and bursaries at a time when they needed it most.

In Recognition

Look for your name on the Humber Gives webpage as well as the digital screens in Gratitude Hall and beside the Advancement and Alumni office. This list recognized all faculty and staff who supported Humber Gives from September 2022 through to September 2023.
Please note that changes to your recognition name can be made at any time by contacting Meagan Shepherd at

Our Gratitude

If you haven't picked up your "Thanks a latte" gift card and cookie from the Advancement & Alumni office, please stop by and say hello during regular office hours.

Thank you again for making a difference and supporting student success through Humber Gives.

Wanda Buote & Alvina Cassiani 
Humber Gives Co-Chairs