The Unlearning Circle: White Identified Humber Employees Dismantling White Supremacy Working Group Launched

A recommendation stemming from the EDI Taskforce was for Humber to establish a group for people who identify as white and/or as having white skin privilege to:

  1. Critically engage with whiteness and white privilege
  2. Continue unlearning racism and internalized dominance
  3. Hold each other accountable for anti-racist change and develop strategies for liberation
  4. Identify ways to support Humber’s EDI Framework and Strategy

We wanted to let the community know that an initial working group has been formed to suggest how this group might take shape at Humber. The working group is composed of white-identified faculty, administrative, and support staff who expressed an interest in decolonization and anti-racist work at Humber. They are working under the advisement of Humber’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion and the EDI Taskforce.

In the fall of 2021, the group will formally launch for the broader community and a call for membership will take place. The shape of the group will evolve with the voices of its membership.

Please reach to one of the leads if you have interest in becoming a member. 

Proposed launch: November 2021