Winter Blackboard Courses Now Live - Merge Requests, Getting Started in Bb

Winter 2024 Blackboard courses are now live for instructors at (navigate to "Upcoming Courses").

Instructor Access

  • Instructors are added to Live Bb sites via Banner or Destiny 1
  • A completed hiring process and Humber credentials are required to access Bb
  • In other words -- there is no option to add a new prof to any Humber system including Bb without a completed contract and onboarding
    * please note that ILSC cannot add instructors to Live Bb courses – this is done through the hiring and assigning process overseen by ADs
  • But ILSC can provide access to instructors to past Bb courses with AD approval via the LMS Bb Admin Form 

Student Access

  • Students get access to Bb three days before their first class in that course
  • Students are automatically added to Bb sites via their self-registration in Banner or Destiny 1
  • Please note that ILSC cannot add students to Live Bb courses – this is done via registration in Banner or D1

Merge (cross-list) Requests

  • Merge requests are now possible via the LMS Bb Admin Form 
  • Be reminded that merges will erase any existing content -- so please request the merge first, and then populate the course
  • Once two or more sections have been merged into a parent course (XL), it is possible to add additional empty child courses

*We recommend requesting merges now to support instructors in getting set up in time for winter courses. Merge requests can take up to three days during the start-up period. It is our goal to get every merge request submitted by December 20 completed before the college closes at the end of the day on December 21.

Due to anticipated high demand, please note that merge requests received on December 21 and later may not be completed until January 3, 4 or 5, leaving very little time to populate sites before courses start the week of January 8.

Helpful resources

Getting Ready to Teach info including tips for Getting Started in Blackboard and more is available on our site.

Need help? Contact us at the Innovative Learning Support Centre (ILSC).
*Note that help is available Monday to Friday until the college closes on December 22, and then again when the college reopens on January 3, 2024.