Career Conversations Panel for BIPOC Learners

Career Month Presents:
Career Conversations Panel for Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Colour (BIPOC) Learners

As part of Career Month, Humber and Seneca are excited to host a Career Conversations Panel for BIPOC learners. The career development journey looks different for everyone and it is important to acknowledge the inequities and systemic barriers that face Black, Indigenous, and Persons of Colour who are entering the job market. As we navigate a global pandemic it can be difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Join us and our panelists as we explore tips and tricks to advance your career development, owning your identity and highlighting your strengths in the job market. This event is a free, virtual event, and open to all students from Humber, UofGH and Seneca. 

Date: Wednesday, March 24 | Time: 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | Location: Microsoft Teams

*No registration required

To join, visit:

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