Faculty Sustainability Champions Group - A Community of Practice

Please join the Faculty Sustainability Champions group (a Community of Practice) on Tuesday, September 29  from 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.

All Faculty are welcome to join anytime. This is an open group. You don’t have to know anything about sustainability, you can be an expert, or somewhere in between. If you are only able to join for part of the meeting, please do!

This group works collaboratively to build our toolkits for teaching and incorporating sustainability knowledge and practices into the classroom. Have you heard of, or taught using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before? Have you made connections between social justice issues and the climate crisis in relation to your course? Have you taught a class outdoors? Would you like to learn ways that you can emphasize the interconnectedness of sustainability into your program from other faculty members who have done so?

During the first gathering of the group this academic year, we will briefly review the purpose of the group, highlight resources available to all and then dive into some brainstorming and planning actions for the year. A summary of a new sustainability specialization will also be included.

To register, please click here.

We hope to see you on the 29th!