Managing in a Hybrid Work Environment Training

As more employees transition back to working on campus, hybrid working arrangements are being considered. For many, this will be their first time working in a hybrid working arrangement. A hybrid working arrangement means that on any given day, team members may be working on campus, remotely, and on different work schedules.  

To prepare managers and employees for hybrid working arrangements, detailed training sessions have been running virtually to support employees and managers in the transition to hybrid working arrangements. There is currently one session scheduled for this week, and we encourage managers to register for the training below, which will take place on March 9th at 10 a.m. 

Managing in a Hybrid Work Environment  

This training will provide managers with an understanding of how to manage team expectations around work schedules and performance, as well as how to maintain strong communication and collaboration amongst their team while working in a hybrid work environment.  

If you have any questions about the training, please contact