The Nature Exchange: Plants from Other Places

Join Arboretum staff online for a chat about plants and other nature topics.

The Nature Exchange is a casual virtual conversation about all things nature. Drop in to hear members of the Arboretum's Nature Interpretation team share stories and answer your questions about the wild plants and animals of the GTA. You are welcome to join the conversation or just listen in.

The theme for this Nature Exchange is Plants from Other Places:

When is a weed not a weed? When it comes to restoring ecosystems and creating gardens that promote biodiversity, staff at the Arboretum often talk about planting native species and controlling invasive species. But what do these terms really mean? And are all "invasives" always bad? We'll talk about trying to find a balance, and the true complexities of concepts we often try to simplify.

This is a free, drop-in event open to all.

No registration is required. You can learn more about the Nature Exchange on the Arboretum website, or simply join the event on June 9 at 2 p.m.: