Four Month Assignment in Sulawesi, Indonesia

May 17, 2013

About the Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project (SEDS)

Humber has partnered with seven universities in Sulawesi, Indonesia for a five-year, $4.6 million initiative to help develop the partner institutions’ capacity to deliver entrepreneurial curricula. The project is funded by the Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and Humber College.

SEDS will help develop the universities’ ability to design and deliver applied entrepreneurship education, which will then enable graduates to start their own businesses. The project will also provide training, counseling and consulting services to support small and medium enterprises. The program will help create employment opportunities and increase income levels, contributing to poverty reduction for both women and men.

The project is in line with Canada's Aid Effectiveness Agenda and the Indonesian government's Five-Year Medium Term Development Plan (2010-2014). It also supports CIDA's economic growth strategy and its Indonesia Bilateral Program's economic growth priority.

Current opportunities:

For more information on the Sulawesi Economic Development Strategy Project (SEDS) or the current opportunities listed above, please contact:

Lisa Anketell
Phone: 416-675-6622 ext. 79389