Humber is Expanding Opportunities to “Go Global”!

February 18, 2015

Over the past year, close to 400 Humber students, faculty and staff have engaged in global learning experiences, and participation is growing. Humber’s Study Abroad website helps guide the Humber community through their international experience – from identifying opportunities, preparing to go, being engaged while abroad, to returning home. Resources include policies and forms; and information on cross-cultural adaptation, health and safety / risk management, budgeting and bursary assistance, consular affairs, intercultural skill development, and Humber’s new Global Citizenship Certificate program.

A new section of the website has recently been launched to promote academic exchange opportunities. Humber has a number of longstanding institutional partners around the globe, and new strategic partnerships are being developed in partnership with each of Humber’s Academic Schools.

Providing opportunities for students to earn academic credit while studying or working abroad is an important aspect of Humber’s Internationalization Strategy, 2013-2018. Applications are currently being accepted from students who are interested either Summer 2015 programs or exchange semesters in 2015-2016. The application deadline is: February 27, 2015.

“Humber College is committed to developing broadly educated, highly skilled and adaptable citizens to be successful in careers that significantly contribute to the communities they serve – locally, nationally and globally” (Humber Strategic Plan, 2013-2018)

For more information on study and work abroad, contact:
Rebecca Fitzgerald, M.Ed.
Manager, International Mobility
o: +1.416.675.6622 x3179 | m: +1.416.779.8137