LRT Construction and Tree Removal Update

To the Humber Community,

As you may know, Metrolinx and Mosaic Transit Group have started construction on the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT), including their fenced-off construction zone in Lot 5. The LRT will have a terminus station at Humber’s North Campus, scheduled to open in fall 2023. Overall, the 11 km-long LRT runs along Finch Avenue West between Keele Street and Highway 27.

LRT construction will occur in a number of phases and it may impact traffic and your commute to and from Humber’s North Campus, especially along Humber College Blvd, Highway 27 and Finch Avenue West. Capital Development and Facilities Management and Communications will continue to update the Humber community during the project.

As part of the early construction phase, tree removals are required along Highway 27 and Finch Avenue West. Mosaic has worked with an arborist to determine the trees that are to be removed, and the City of Toronto has approved the tree removal plan. Upon the LRT’s completion, new trees will be planted in compliance with the City of Toronto’s Tree Replacement Policy.

The tree removal process is underway, with the trees to the south of the campus scheduled to be removed in December and January. The majority of trees being removed are not on Humber property. Please see the accompanying rendering of the completed LRT project, showing where new trees and green space will exist.

Please visit and here for more information about tree removal and overall construction, including where and when the work is happening, and what to expect during this construction phase.