Chantal Joy, Director of Advising and Student Academic Support

October 10, 2013

 The Division of Student and Community Engagement is pleased to announce a reorganization of services, to reflect the emphasis on advising and retention initiatives in support of student success in the 2013-18 Strategic Plan, and to begin to integrate services in preparation for the opening of the new Learning Resource Commons in Fall, 2015. The reorganization will include aligning the Career Centre and the Office of Peer Programs with advising functions conducted by the Recruitment Office, under the leadership of a new Director of Advising and Student Academic Support. This new position will have overall responsibility for the facilitation of an integrated advising model, linking in-school advising with advising in other administrative areas, leading collaborative, institution-wide retention/persistence initiatives to support retention/persistence, and the inclusion of peer-based learning strategies into the pursuit of Humber’s student success goals. The Director of Advising and Student Academic Support will report to the Vice President, Student and Community Engagement.

In this context, I am pleased to announce that Chantal Joy will assume the role of Director, Advising and Student Academic Support beginning on November 4th, 2013. Chantal is currently in the role of Director of Student Life Programs, with responsibility for a broad range of student services and activities that include Peer Programs and the Career Centre. Chantal brings to the role over 15 years of experience leading the development and delivery of quality programs and services designed to engage students and support their learning, both inside and outside of the classroom.

Chantal has valuable experience at multiple high quality institutions. She obtained a Master’s degree in College Student Personnel from Bowling Green State University, a nationally recognized preparation program for higher education administrators, with a strong focus and theoretical foundation in student development, engagement and learning. While employed at the University of Guelph, Chantal was responsible for advancing key initiatives designed to support students at critical transition points on their academic pathways, from entry through to graduation. This included programs to meet the specific learning needs of mature students as well as tools for students struggling with program and career fit.

In her role at York University, Chantal was active on the Retention Council. In that capacity, Chantal contributed to key collaborative ventures designed to enhance student success and retention, including the development and delivery of critical training for Academic Advisors and peer academic mentors, and to programs such as the Faculty of Fine Arts catch-up semester for students in academic jeopardy. Since arriving at Humber, Chantal has led her team to develop and enhance partnerships with academic schools to deliver tailored initiatives designed to facilitate success and persistence among an increasingly diverse student body through the enhancement of learning support strategies, advancing the acquisition of employability skills, and engaging students in peer-to-peer mentoring programs with proven track records of supporting personal and academic success.

A search for her replacement will begin shortly.

Please join me in congratulating Chantal as she transitions into this important strategic role.


Jason Hunter
Vice President, Student and Community Engagement


For a recent version of the Student & Community Engagement organizational chart, please click here