CPL-Alumni Discount Program

Continuous Professional Learning, in partnership with our colleagues in Advancement & Alumni Relations, is excited to announce the launch of our first special discount program this Fall. As of Wednesday, August 24, all Humber alumni will be eligible to receive a 20 per cent discount on CPL’s Rapid Skill courses. The CPL-Alumni discount program will be running through to January 1, 2023.

Rapid Skills courses are 2-3 hours long, providing participants with a ‘micro-burst’ of learning that drives skill acquisition within a compact timeframe. Designed by subject matter experts to meet the needs of busy working professionals and their schedules, we are excited about this venture and hope it will bring more of our alumni back to Humber to learn and grow.

If you are a proud alumnus yourself or would like to share this offer with someone who is, please visit humber.ca/alumni/cploffer for more information.