2023 Humber Innovation of the Year Award Winners

Congratulations to Cory Avery, Matthew Kennedy, Donna O'Brien-Sokić and Andrew Stevenson on being awarded the Humber Innovation of the Year Award 2023 for their project, Real Time Compositing (RTC) & In-Camera VFX (ICFX). 

RTC & ICFX is an innovative tool that film productions and Humber students are using and, specifically in virtual production, is replacing green screen technologies by allowing film creators to view a version of their final composite image during production. With the demands for this new workflow increasing, a workforce shortage of skilled creatives and technicians has emerged in Toronto and globally. Developing curriculum for Real Time Compositing, in conjunction with education partner, William F. White International and using their Virtual Production TechLab, this team is innovating new training which is preparing our students to succeed in an economy that is technology-driven and constantly changing. This cutting-edge curriculum development introduces this new(er) media production process across multiple programs, allowing the college to remain current in an ever-evolving media landscape. 

Thank you all for your dedication to creating an innovative and collaborative project that benefits the Humber Community! 

The Real Time Compositing & In-Camera VFX Award Video was released at this year’s Showcase and is now viewable on Panopto.