Sara Jouppi Leaving Humber College

Hello Humber community, 

It is with mixed emotions that I make you aware that Sara Jouppi, Administrative and Communications Coordinator in FSCS is leaving us at the end of August to return to school. Sara will be pursuing her Master of Social Work (MSW) at the University of Toronto this fall. We are so incredibly excited and proud of Sara; her absence will be noted by all that have come to know her. 

Sara started her journey at Humber as a student in our Addiction & Mental Health post-graduate certificate program in 2017, then joined the FSCS Work Integrated Learning team in 2019 and in 2020 became the Administrative Assistant to the Senior Dean and Principal. In 2022, Sara took on a new role as Administrative and Communications Coordinator. Sara co-facilitated The Unlearning Circle, a group for white-identified staff to sit in, consider and reflect upon their privilege. She sat on many committees and was a key part of the principal's events team that ensured we could seek balance in our busy schedules through professional development, wellness seminars, and activities. 

Please join me in congratulating Sara on this key step in her own learning journey. I am confident she will return to Humber one day.

June MacDonald-Jenkins
Senior Dean, Faculty of Social & Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus