Office Bins are Being Removed Across Campus

Humber College is committed to reducing the volume of waste generated by 15 per cent per campus user by 2024. Several projects are underway to support this goal, including the Office Bin Reduction Project. Starting July 1, individual office waste bins were removed from offices across the Humber North and University of Guelph-Humber campuses, and this will continue in the following weeks. 

Staff and faculty are encouraged to utilize the many multi-stream waste bins present in the corridors outside of classrooms and offices.

By eliminating individual office bins, staff and faculty will help Humber eliminate approximately 30,000 plastic bags per year from going to landfill.

This initiative was successfully implemented at IGS and Lakeshore and has diverted thousands of unnecessary plastic bags from landfills.

Exceptions are available for those with accessibility needs.

If you have any questions about this initiative, or accessibility needs, please email