Dr. Daniel Bear, Director, Centre for Social Innovation

Hello Humber community, 

I am very pleased to announce that Dr. Daniel Bear will be moving into the role of Director of the Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) commencing Monday, August 21, 2023.

Daniel started at Humber in 2015 as a professor in the Bachelor of Social Science, Criminal Justice program. Beyond being an engaging professor in the classroom, he is also a funded researcher who focuses on drug policy, with an emphasis on both cannabis and harm reduction and the policing of drugs and community policing practices. Daniel is the Canadian lead for the Global Cannabis Cultivation Research Consortium, a group of researchers from 18 countries studying small-scale cannabis cultivation. He currently is the Principal Investigator (PI) on two funded research projects, an NSERC-funded project titled “Engaging and Education Young-Adult Cannabis 2.0 Consumers”, as well as a recently funded ATRP grant entitled “Development of a Data-Driven Human-Centered Design Process for Cannabis Education for Pharmacists”. Many of you would have engaged with this research during the CSI workshops we held in the spring.  

Daniel holds a Bachelor of Arts (Sociology) from the University of California, Santa Cruz, a Master of Science (Social Policy Research), and a PhD in Social Policy both from The London School of Economics and Political Science. 

In January 2023, Daniel took on the role of Coordinator, Faculty Initiatives in Social Innovation in the FSCS. In this role, he focused on strategies and approaches to develop processes and opportunities for the engagement of all members of FSCS to continue to build our internal capacity to support the work of the CSI. In the Director role, Daniel will work collaboratively with the FSCS administration team, the CSI Steering Committee, Advisory Committee, and the COI Network leadership team to meet the collaborative goals of the Centre.

Please join me in welcoming Daniel to this role!  

June MacDonald-Jenkins 
Sr. Dean Faculty of Social and Community Services
Principal, Lakeshore Campus