Monique Haan Leaving Humber

Humber community,

Athletics has some amazing, albeit bittersweet news. Some of you may have heard that after 18 glorious years at Humber, most of those in athletics, our first full-time varsity academic advisor, Monique Haan, is spreading her Hawk wings to join the University of Western Ontario as an academic and career advisor for international students. Monique's family, which includes three boys under the age of 9, are moving to the London area in late August to be closer to that extra set of hands and loving support that grandparents often provide a young family. (As a fun fact, this will be Monique's second stint with Western as she began her illustrious career as a part time instructor in the Kinesiology program in the early 2000's).  

 "I will miss Humber – the relationships I have developed within Athletics and across the College, all the athletes who have helped me grow in my role as a coach and an advisor, and the opportunities I received to develop professionally. I will also miss biking into work and accessing the gym just outside of my office. I am passing the baton off to Mallory Lawton to continue leading and spear-heading new initiatives within the VAC. Mallory is well-equipped, experienced and forward-thinking in her advising practice and I know she will continue to do great work in supporting the athletes and coaches," said Monique.

Monique's history at Humber from 2005-2023:

  • 2005-2010 - Sessional Instructor for the fitness and health promotion program
  • 2005-2017 - Co Head Coach - Cross Country - the teams and individual runners she was responsible for amassed an astounding 32 provincial medals, including 15 gold, and 10 National medals including two championships! Monique also won six coach of the year awards, including two nationally.
  • 2005-2012 - Worked part time in several roles within Athletics
  • 2012-2019 - The first full-time varsity academic advisor at Humber and within the conference (Ontario College Athletic Association)
  • 2019-2020 - Secondment with Career Advising
  • 2021-July 27, 2023 - Returned to Athletics  

Monique, thank you for all your contributions and countless hours within the various roles you had within Humber Athletics - please know that you made a significant difference in the lives of countless student athletes and played a key role in the overall success of this department. You will be missed but your legacy and impact remain. Hawk Yeah!

Monique's last day at Humber is July 27, 2023.