Employment and Persons with Disabilities - Connection to Inclusive Learning

Beyond post-secondary, persons with disabilities encounter significant barriers to participating in the labour market. 

  • “An estimated 1.9 million persons with disabilities aged 15 to 64 are not in school or employed.” (1) 
  • Of the 1.9 million, 852,000 have the potential to work. (1) 
  • Workplace bias, discrimination and non-inclusive environments perpetuate the low rate of employment among persons with disabilities. (1) 
  • “In 2022, the employment rate among those aged 16 to 64 with disabilities (65.1%) was 15 percentage points lower than the rate for those without disabilities (80.1%).”  (2)

By facilitating inclusive learning environments and providing learners with disabilities an equitable opportunity for success as well as access campus services, Colleges can have a positive impact on the transition to employment for persons with a disability.  

Humber has specific information for students with disabilities through the Career Services website

Please watch for our posts highlighting Humber and UGH graduates with disabilities throughout October in recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness month. 

Visit our ALS Information for faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 


  1. Canada’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan, 2022 
  2. Labour Force Survey by Statistics Canada, 2022