Student Connection & Community Care Updates

The role previously titled Student Support and Intervention Coordinator (SSIC) has been reviewed and changed to Care Coordinator. This change more aptly reflects the work the team does in supporting learners, better aligns with the Well-Being Strategy, and reflects leading practice within the sector. We ask that you kindly adjust any reference material to reflect the new title. 

Care Coordinators offer ongoing support, guidance, and advocacy to learners, and can connect them with various supports and resources available on-campus and in the community. Care Coordinators help learners navigate policy and process, provide referrals, and assist with a variety of learner concerns (e.g. financial, mental health, food insecurity, housing instability, academic considerations, etc.). They also receive disclosures of sexual violence from learners. Through a trauma informed, survivor-centric, anti-oppressive lens, they inform survivors on well-being supports, reporting options, and academic considerations. The goal is to support a learner's overall well-being and academic success.

Should you have a concern about a learner and wish to refer them to the Care Coordinator team for support, you may complete and submit the online Concern Report which the team will receive and action appropriately. It is recommended to first speak with the learner to share you are concerned and would like to connect them to the Care Coordinator Team.

For more information about the Care Coordinator team, please visit our website or email