Temporary Use of Space for Events Policy

The Temporary Use of Space for Events Policy, in effect since July 2019, remains in place.  

All events and activities using space on campus require a permit which will be issued by the booking authority, subject to inspection by the department of Public Safety or other college officials upon demand. This will ensure that all bookings have been vetted, meet risk management guidelines and are logged properly so that in the event of an emergency we can take appropriate action. 

Some examples of the types of events/activities that are impacted by the policy/procedure are (but are not limited to): 

  • Vendor sales in the concourse i.e. Valentine’s Day gifts, graduation rings, flowers etc. 
  • Student/department led bake/craft sales and/or project displays 
  • Art shows 
  • Conference activities 
  • Student film shoots 
  • Information tabling 
  • Performances 
  • Any use of space outside of regular business hours 
  • Etc. 

All external requests for booking space on campus will be managed by Humber’s Central Events Office and should be referred to an Event Logistics Liaison at hcs@humber.ca. External organizations may be referred to humber.ca/conference to request a quote. Internal requests for booking space will continue to be verified and processed through the Registration Office Scheduling Department via a Temporary Use of Space Application form. If a request is deemed to be external, it will be forwarded to the Central Events Office. 

We look forward to hosting more events throughout the college over the coming months.