Elective Course Abroad Offered by FLAS

The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences is offering the Vietnam Study Abroad: Hanoi & Danang course to students across Humber. The course delivery in collaboration with international partner universities offers a fantastic opportunity for Humber students to develop their global experience and intercultural competencies while earning Humber credits for a general education (MILE 220) or Degree breadth elective course (MILE 2200). Students will work closely with two Humber faculty who lead the trip and staff, faculty and students at National Economics University and University of Danang, Vietnam. The course provides students with experiential learning, site visits, field trips, community services and opportunities to network with local faculty and students during almost three weeks in the cities in Vietnam (Hanoi, the capital, in the North and Danang, the driving force of development in the Central - Highland Region). 

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Develop an in-depth understanding and appreciation of Vietnam, its history, culture, ethnic diversity, religion, business environment and people;
  • Broaden inter-cultural awareness;
  • Enhance cross-cultural communication skills;
  • Increase self-confidence and transferrable skills through a complete immersion in an international environment.

Watch this video of one of our students and teachers sharing their own experience and what students could expect to gain from the trip and find out more about this opportunity in our attached flyer.

The Program fee is $7,100 + Humber regular course tuition. It covers multi-city airfares (Toronto – Hanoi – Danang – Toronto), travel health insurance, accommodations at hotels, breakfast every day, lunch on weekdays, site visits, field trips and local transportation for all scheduled activities. Students will be eligible for a bursary of up to $4,000, depending on their financial needs. 

We highly appreciate it if Humber faculty, Program Coordinators and staff could help to share this course with students as an incredible option for them to get a Humber credit for a general education or degree-breadth elective course.

Please connect with Kimmy Do, Manager, Global Initiatives and Partnership Development (Kimmy.do@humber.ca) if you have any questions.