Memory Aids as an Accommodation

A memory aid may be recommended as an accommodation for tests/exams when a learner has provided information confirming that their disability impacts information retrieval. It is a tool developed by the learner to trigger recall of information. Memory aids are to be reviewed and approved by faculty prior to use on a test or exam. 

The memory aid gives these learners an equitable opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of course material by helping prompt their memory, not by providing the answer.  

This accommodation is not intended to reduce academic requirements or alter the standards by which academic performance is assessed. A properly created memory aid will not be useful to the learner unless they know and understand how to use the information it refers to. If the learner doesn’t understand the course material, a memory aid will not help. 

Disabilities that may affect memory include (but are not limited to):  

  • Acquired Brain Injury  
  • Mental Health Conditions 
  • Specific learning disability  
  • ADD/ADHD  

Additional information about the memory aid process can be found on our website

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodations. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.