JIPE Article: Navigating Digital Transformation: Agile Leadership and Strategic Flexibility in Mid-Sized Manufacturing Firms

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce the publication of Navigating Digital Transformation: Agile Leadership and Strategic Flexibility in Mid-Sized Manufacturing Firms by Dr. Mark Stoiko.


This study explores the strategies employed by mid-sized manufacturing firms to leverage digital technologies and harness the vast amounts of data associated with them. It examines the impact of digital transformation on various aspects of firms' operations, including product development, manufacturing processes, product sophistication, and value chain integration. Through an analysis of typical stages in the digital transformation journey, the research aims to assess the significance of agile leadership and strategic flexibility in facilitating this transformation. Findings indicate that agile leadership plays a pivotal role in driving successful digital transformation initiatives. Additionally, strategic flexibility, fostered through workforce transformation and dynamic capability, emerges as a crucial factor in enabling digital transformation. The study highlights the importance of swift leadership responses and adaptable strategies in ensuring the success of digital transformation endeavours.

Furthermore, the study reveals a distinction between mature and less mature digital businesses in their approach to technology integration. Mature digital businesses prioritize the seamless integration of digital technologies, such as social, mobile, analytics, and cloud, to transform their operational frameworks. Conversely, less mature digital businesses tend to focus on addressing isolated business challenges through individual digital technologies.

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Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal that mobilizes knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. To learn more about JIPE, please visit jipe.ca or email humberpress@humber.ca.