Career Milestones Recognition - July 2024

Congratulations to all our employees celebrating Career Milestones in July!

The following employees are celebrating their 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20-year anniversary with Humber. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to congratulate them on their Career Milestones.

1 Year

5 Years

10 Years

15 Years

20 Years

Anayaritza Gonzalez

John Stilla

Kern Lewis

Debbie Krulicki

Mary Goral

Tyrese Heliodore

Colin Buddin

Kirston Arbour

Magno Cidade

Nadia Kaminska

Vickie Jones

Tayler Buchanan

Mark Caballes


Radek Pacanowski

Linda Jin-Troendle

Christine Raposo

Robert Metcalfe



Erin Alvarez

Melissa Beauchamp

Nicole Tonus-Conti



Tamara Bahr

Simon Iannello




Anam Ahmad

Daniel Maher




Katherine Horodnyk

Sukhpreet Gill




Tumpe Trotter

Alyson Green




Zoë Baines





M’kaylah Fridal





Anjana Munasinghe





Regina Valiakhmetova





Riya Jose





Adrian Hillis





Nabeel Rahman





Daniel Galati





Kanupriya Gupta





Although we do our best to ensure we don't miss anyone, sometimes it happens. If we have missed anyone on this list, our sincere apologies. Please let us know so we can correct our records and ensure the employee receives recognition.

Questions? Please email us at