Humber College Community Partnership Fund Now Accepting Applications

October 24, 2013


Humber College schools/departments are invited to develop and submit proposals for innovative and engaging initiatives with local community non-profit organizations

Projects funded through this initiative provide the opportunity for academic schools and administrative departments to further cultivate relationships with partners and stakeholders – bringing the community to Humber and Humber into the community in support of Humber’s new Strategic plan.

The priority of these initiatives is to enhance the lives of local children, youth, Aboriginal peoples, newcomers and other groups who would benefit from projects that enrich learning and increase exposure and access to a variety of pathways into education, training and/or employment and/or build organizational capacity of community agencies who share this same focus. Project participants would typically only be able to participate in these activities when provided free of charge or for a minimal fee.

Engaging Humber students in projects to allow them the opportunity to deepen and apply the knowledge of their curriculum through a volunteer experience or as a paid placement is also encouraged.

Submissions due: November 22, 2013

Email: to receive funding application and guidelines
Email: to discuss possible funding ideas, links to community partners and to refine concepts