Developing Humber’s Academic Plan

June 29, 2015

Developing Humber’s Academic Plan

June 26, 2015 Update

As indicated in April 2015, we will provide bi-monthly updates on the work of articulating Humber’s Academic Plan until December 2015. Keep reading for the June update and how you can have input into the articulation of the Academic Plan.            

Activity undertaken since April 2015

Presentations and Focus Group Discussions

Since April 2015, I’ve presented and engaged in dialogue regarding the Academic Planning process and content with the following groups, or as part of the following activities:

  • School of Media Studies and Information Technology Ops/Pc Meeting
  • Series of PC Community of Practice sessions at Lakeshore, North and Carrier
  • College Council
  • Showcase (two sessions)
  • International Development Institute Team
  • Academic Operating Committee (AOC)

Online Survey

The Phase One online survey was available from June 10 to June 18. This initial survey was developed to provide opportunities for internal members of the Humber community to have direct input into the articulation of Humber’s Academic Plan. The survey questions were based upon the academic themes and priorities that have been articulated in Humber's Strategic Plan. In addition, there were open-ended questions to allow for broader input and feedback.  

Strategic Planning and Institutional Analysis will collate the survey responses. In addition, I am in the process of reading through the numerous answers to the three open-ended questions. We will combine feedback received through the survey process with that received during the broader consultation, and incorporated into the draft academic plan. Overall results from the survey will also be made available and communicated with the August Academic Plan update. 

Results from this initial survey represent just one of many sources of information that will inform the final articulation of the Academic Plan. The draft articulated plan will be available for review and feedback to all internal Humber stakeholders in September and October 2015. A second series of consultations will take place, and a Phase Two survey will be made available during that time, along with the draft document.

Ongoing opportunities for input

Presentations and focus group discussions

Over the coming months I will continue to engage in dialogue with various groups and individuals on the content and layout of the articulated Humber Academic Plan. A number of sessions are already scheduled and I remain available and interested in engaging with as many other groups and individuals as possible. Requests for a dialogue session between now and finalization of the plan (November 2015) can be sent to Please provide as much advance notice as possible if the request is tied to an already scheduled activity. Every effort possible will made to accommodate requests, barring any unresolvable scheduling conflicts.

Individual suggestions and responses via email at

This email address has been set up in order to provide internal stakeholders with a mechanism to ask questions, inquire about possible participation in various academic planning working groups and activities, and provide suggestions regarding the academic planning process or content.  The emails sent to will come directly to my attention. 

All are encouraged to communicate with me via the academic plan email address anytime something comes to mind regarding input into the plan or the process.

Progress updates

We will continue to provide bi-monthly progress updates between now and December 2015 via Communique. If you have any questions regarding progress between updates, please send your questions, comments and suggestions to

Warmest regards,

Laurie Rancourt
Senior VP Academic
Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning