2016 Global Lens Exhibit - Call for Submissions

November 3, 2016

What does global mean to you?

Calling all members of the #humberGlobal community! The International Centre is looking for your photos to display on an exciting new online gallery on the Humber International website in a special exhibit as part of International Education Week (IEW).

What are we looking for?

Send us photos that creatively show the global perspective you've gained through travel, study, and/or work in Canada or abroad and the value of global citizenship. Your photos should address one of the five themes:

  1. Favourite Local Food - Something delicious you have enjoyed at home or abroad
  2. Life-Altering Moment - What image captures a special time in your life?
  3. Your Favourite Spot - Where is your home away from home?
  4. Your Global Identity - Who are you in the world?
  5. The Unexpected - Surprise us with what you've discovered around the globe


  • Photos must be 300 DPI
  • Photos must be 100% original content belonging to the person submitting the photo*


Friday, November 4, 2016


Email internationalmarketing@humber.ca with:

  • Your name
  • Student ID#
  • Program
  • Photo
  • Current year of study
  • A 50-100 word description of how the photo fits one of the five themes
  • Photo release form