
howTo.write(poetry) brings together two artworks by Mitchell F. Chan and Michelle Gay that deeply engage with historical texts. Each artist communes with another author’s writing through a computational translation of the original. Chan rewrites conceptual artist Sol Lewitt’s instructions for a wall drawing using Processing code while Gay employs automated machine translation to subtly alter the surviving text fragments of Greek philosopher Parmenides. Both pieces are poetic systems in the ancient Greek understanding of poiesis, meaning creation or formation. They are engines that generate endless variations of each artwork. Continuing a conversation across time, language, and media, Chan and Gay speak to and through the embedded historical concerns of their primary texts, adding a digital perspective as they grapple with the relationship between thought and being, idea and thing, meaning and interpretation. Curated by Humber Galleries' Curator in Residence, Farah Yusuf. This exhibition opens Tuesday, April 11 and runs weekdays 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Friday, May 5. Visit for more info on this exhibition and all the contributors. Image credit: onwhatis, Michelle Gay (2013)