We are Humber! Join your colleagues and support the Humber Gives campaign.

October 10, 2013


Dear colleagues,

Thank you to those of you who have already made a gift towards this year’s Humber Gives campaign, the annual initiative to raise much needed funds for student support. A special thanks to everyone who has made a gift for the first time.

Watch this new video to hear from some of your colleagues, proud supporters of the Humber Gives campaign.  Consider joining the Humber family of donors or renewing your support by making a gift today. Together, we can reach this year’s campaign goal. Click here to make a gift today.

Our students are lucky to have you working here. You are making a difference!

With sincerest thanks,

Eileen De Courcy
Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning
Chair, Humber Gives campaign

P.S. If you want to know the status of your current pledge payments or wish to make any changes, please contact Jane Leaver, Annual Giving Officer at ext. 5950