What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that emphasizes being fully aware of your current sensations and emotions, free from interpretation or judgment. Engaging in mindfulness practice includes techniques such as breathing exercises, guided imagery, and various methods to relax both the body and mind, ultimately aiding in stress reduction.

As learners, we understand that you encounter challenging moments both in your studies and personal life. We encourage you to prioritize your health and well-being!

One effective way to achieve this is by incorporating mindfulness practices into your routine.

We have curated a few simple practices you can incorporate in your daily routine.

1. Mindful Breathing:

  • Take 5 minutes to focus solely on your breath.
  • Inhale deeply, hold for a moment, and exhale slowly.
  • Let go of distractions and bring your attention back to your breathing.










2. Body Scan:

  • Gently close your eyes and mentally scan your body from head to toe.
  • Acknowledge any tension or stress and release it.
  • This practice helps ground you and release physical tension.










3. Gratitude Journaling

  • At the end of your day, write down 3 things you're grateful for.
  • It could be small moments or big achievements—what matters is your awareness and appreciation for them.