Course Code: EMGY 517
The registered nurse (RN) participates in this clinical course in order to apply theoretical principles and knowledge within the emergency department clinical setting as outlined in the Canadian Nurses Association competencies. RNs utilize critical thinking to demonstrate safe and professional practice with a focus on persons having both life-threatening and non-life-threatening emergencies. RNs learn alongside the assigned preceptor(s) and perform diverse assessments, monitoring of patient status, and communication of findings incorporating knowledge of Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS). In addition, RNs monitor IV therapy and administer medications (facility specific) for the assigned patients.
The Emergency Nursing-RN clinical is 150 hours and must be completed within a 3-month term. Nurses are required to do two shifts weekly following their preceptor's schedule.
Step 1: Start your clinical placement application process by completing this Clinical Placement Request Form. Once we receive this form, we will add your name to the clinical waitlist and send you detailed information about the clinical placement process. Your placement requests will be submitted to the hospitals for the next term according to the placement request submission deadline. The placement requests are submitted three months in advance.
Step 2: Once you have submitted your Clinical Placement Request Form, please start working on the Health Clearance requirements, which may take three months to obtain
Note: You will be notified to register for the Clinical Course
CORN 510 & EMGY 510 & EMGY 511 & EMGY 512 & EMGY 513 & EMGY 514 & POST 500 & CORN 511Loading...
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