Reflecting Forward: A Year of Change and Growth

As summer approaches, I want to express my gratitude to faculty and staff for their hard work and dedication this year. Despite the challenges we’ve faced, there is much to celebrate, thanks to the collective efforts of our incredible team. 

This past year, our students excelled at challenge-based curriculum activities, including earning two medals at the Skills Canada competition, 14 medals at Skills Ontario, and placing first nationally in the Map the System competition.

We have achieved many successful program accreditations and reaffirmed our League for Innovation board membership, reflecting Humber’s commitment to quality and innovation.

We introduced several new programs aligned with labour market demands, including an Honours Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Sciences and an Ontario College Certificate in Furniture and Cabinetmaking Techniques. We continue to look at the evolution of our programs and credential mix, including the introduction of Applied Master’s programs. Additionally, we’ve expanded flexibility for learners through enhanced delivery and scheduling options and by providing more pathways. 

I am proud of our successful participation in an audit that was critical to shaping the Standards of Practice for International Education Quality Assurance. Humber was one of three Ontario institutions to participate in this significant evaluation by the Ontario College Quality Assurance Service.  This achievement demonstrates Humber’s commitment to excellence and our leadership in international education.

It’s important to recognize the challenges we are facing due to the federal government’s recent policy change that includes a cap on international student admissions and related restrictions. We are working hard to navigate these challenges to emerge stronger than ever.  We are actively implementing strategies to attract international and domestic students, considering both direct and non-direct learners. We are also exploring new and diversified revenue streams.

I hope that each of you finds the time to rest and recharge over the coming months.  Thank you for all that you do for our students and for the Humber community.

Happy Summer!

Gina's signature