We encourage our faculty and staff to continue to push boundaries and look forward to accepting applications in the future.
The possibilities are endless!

Humber is pushing the boundaries of how we design and deliver the best possible learning experience for every student at Humber.

We encouraged and invited our faculty and staff to submit proposals that support the goals of the Humber Academic Plan - Priority 3: Empowering Teaching and Learning. This includes approaches to offering learners flexibility, personalization, digital fluency and harnessing new technologies in teaching and learning. All the proposals embraced creativity, risk taking, and innovation and we extend our gratitude to everyone who submitted their ideas.

We are honoured to present the 9 proposals by Humber faculty and staff that were chosen as the inaugural recipients of Priority 3: Empowering Teaching and Learning.


Presenting the inaugural recipients of Priority 3:
Empowering Teaching and Learning

  • Storytelling by an Indigenous Person

    The Cultivating Inclusive Writing Practices Storytelling Series

    In the fall of 2022, the college welcomed its first cohort of students to the new Bachelor of Creative and Professional (BCPW) program that includes “Cultivating Inclusive Writing Practices,” the first course of its kind in Canada.

  • Students at a round table working on their laptops

    Harnessing AI Chatbots In Humber’s Classrooms: A Multi-disciplinary + Cross-faculty Approach

    As an institute of education, we need to better understand the potential gains and drawbacks that AI chatbots present — not only for our learners — but for the wider Humber community — from the support staff who respond to student queries at a department’s front desk to the upper administrators who strategize about the institution’s long-term goals and direction. Collectively, we need to explore how can we integrate this technology to streamline our workflow and support the learning process within our classrooms.

  • Students working at computers with a faculty member

    Teaching Students To Research & Write With Integrity In The Digital Age

  • Two health care students are observing a person in a hospital bed

    Teaching Innovation: Implementation Of Simulated Patients...

    Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP) has long been identified as an important strategy for improved patient safety. Over the last decade, healthcare and social services professionals have been called upon to increase their IPCP to provide improved and more efficient care to clients (Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative, 2010; WHO (World Health Organization), 2010).

  • Students in health and wellness work with a patient who uses a walker

    Developing A Course-level Competency-Based Education (CBE) Framework

    Competency-Based Education (CBE) is a progressive, student-focused approach to teaching and learning that prioritizes the mastery of specific skills or competencies over traditional classroom ‘seat time’. Unlike the one-size-fits-all structure of conventional education models, CBE is designed to be adaptable, providing a personalized learning experience that caters to diverse learning abilities and paces (C-BEN, 2017).

  • Social Services students working in a lab in the Forensic Identification program

    Developing A PLAR Process To Improve Student Mobility: A Case Study (SSW Accelerated Profile)

    Over the past two decades Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR) has emerged as a significant feature and prominent practice in post-secondary education institutions in Canada and other parts of the world (Andersson, Fejes & Sandberg, 2013; Van Kleef, 2007). Its epistemological assumption premises that the context of learning varies and as such, it is the output (learning) produced that is of utmost importance.  

  • Building a city layout with Lego bricks

    Workplace Integrated Classroom: A Case-Study Review of a New Pedagogical Approach using a Smart City built with LEGO® Bricks

    Humber is preparing the next generation of leaders to find innovative solutions to real-world problems.

    This project is centered on the development of a 1:45 scale smart city built with LEGO® bricks and is intended to be an ongoing project where each semester, students contribute to the smart city by adding new systems such as GPS, autonomous fulfillment, an automated lifting bridge, and many more.

  • Students gather in a lounge area; one student is in a wheelchair

    Collaborative Accessibility Coach - Student Success And Engagement

    The Collaborative Accessibility Coach project will work alongside select Student Success and Engagement (SSE) departments to adopt more accessible practices in their day-to-day work, which will indirectly benefit hundreds of learners living with disabilities at Humber, ultimately leading to sustained change.

  • two female students; one is working on her mobile phone

    VR Learning Extension App - Digital Twin Cameras

    Humber strives to give students greater access to the technology they are learning, at any time of day, quite literally in the halls of Humber , and this access should be extended beyond the campus, onto transit and even once they are home. The prototype application will allow students to enter a booking centre virtually showcasing two digital twins of the EOS Canon C200 and the Canon C500 MKII via their phone (iOS or Android), by scanning a QR code.