Candidate Protocol

General Rules of Conduct

Candidate Protocol
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Protocole à suivre par les candidats
Version imprimable

  • Candidates must register and pay for an examination using the online registration process at least fourteen (14) calendar days in advance of the examination date.  Scheduled examinations are non-transferable by a Candidate.
  • Upon registration, Candidates must print and retain the Official Registration Receipt, which they are required to present along with their government issued photo ID bearing their photograph and signature (e.g. driver's license, passport, permanent resident card) upon check-in for their examination.
    Note: The spelling of the name on the ID must match the name on their Official Registration Receipt. (Health Cards cannot be used as primary identification)
  • Online or Paper-Based Examinations (at Test Centre) - Candidates are required to arrive at the examination location for check-in thirty (30) minutes prior to the examination start time. Candidates arriving late after the examination start time will NOT be permitted to write the examination.
  • Live Virtual Online Proctored Examinations (at your home/your location) – Candidates must login to their examination portal fifteen (15) minutes prior to the examination start time to perform their system test. The Virtual Proctor will join the session at the examination start time to verify ID documents and check their testing space.  Candidates arriving late, after their examination start time will have missed their opportunity to complete the verification process and will NOT have access to their examination.
  • Candidates MUST present the following documents to their examination proctor in order to access the examination:
    • The Official Registration Receipt
    • ONE piece of valid government-issued identification bearing a photograph and signature. The name on the government issued photo identification (passport, driver's license, permanent resident card) must be an exact match to the name on your Official Registration Receipt. If your NAME does NOT match your identification, you will NOT be allowed to write the examination.
  • Candidates with disabilities must produce their Accommodations Confirmation at check-in to verify they are entitled to their accommodations as identified. Proctors are NOT authorized to offer or change accommodations on examination day.
  • Examinations are open book and are based on the requirements of the Building Code Act, 1992, the 2012 Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12) and Supplementary Standards to the Code. The only materials allowed in the test space are:
    • The Building Code Compendium (Volumes 1 and 2) in hard copy format and/or in PDF format.
      * Note: Candidates are only allowed to use the PDF provided by Humber Polytechnic and are not permitted to use their own copy of the digital Building Code Compendium.
    • Materials included in the Compendium, such as:
    • The Code and Construction Guide for Housing
    • A hand-held standard calculator, or a scientific calculator if it is not programmable
      Programmable calculators are NOT permitted
    • Blank sheets of paper

OBC Allowable Materials

  • Candidates are permitted to bring hard-copy materials into the examination which have been highlighted or tabbed. Minimal annotations are also acceptable.
  • Candidates are not permitted to write in their materials at any time during an examination. Such activity will be considered candidate misconduct.
  • Examinations are three (3) hours in length and consist of seventy (70) multiple choice questions. Each multiple choice question contains a choice of four (4) possible answers, of which the Candidate is to select the best answer.
    • If a washroom break is required, they will be monitored. Only one (1) Candidate at a time.
    • Time missed due to washroom breaks cannot be made up.
    • Washroom breaks are NOT permitted during Online Exams at Home (Live Virtual Online Proctored).
  • Smoking, vaping, or eating during the examination period is strictly prohibited. Candidates may consume water if contained in a clear bottle. Any labels or markings on bottles are prohibited.
  • Food items are NOT allowed during the examination.
  • Candidates writing a paper-based examination must bring their own pencils and erasers.
  • Candidate misconduct during an examination may result in their examination being terminated. Refer to Candidate Misconduct & Disciplinary Procedures for more information.

Examination Results

  • An Examination Results Notification will be sent within fourteen (14) days of the examination by the Ministry to the Candidate’s email address as indicated in the Ministry’s Qualification and Registration Tracking System (QuARTS). It is the Candidate’s responsibility to update these records at the Ministry to ensure that they reflect their current e-mail address and contact information.
  • The Candidate may also log on to the Ministry’s Qualification and Registration Tracking System (QuARTS) for their examination results.
  • For Candidates without computer access, examination results can be provided via registered mail at the request of the Candidate.
  • Examination result status will not be disclosed by telephone or in person.

Failed or Missed Examinations

  • If a Candidate fails an examination, the Candidate may apply to retake the examination. They must complete the registration process and pay the examination fee again.
  • Candidates who miss their scheduled examination time slot for any reason will be identified as a “No-Show”.  If they wish to retake the examination, they must reapply for the examination, and repay the examination fee. There are NO exceptions.

Candidate Misconduct and Disciplinary Procedures

  • Any action by a Candidate that might compromise the proper conduct of the Ontario Building Code Examination is considered misconduct and disciplinary action will apply.
  • Any Candidate found to have violated the General Rules of Conduct will be assigned a “Fail” mark and will forfeit their examination fee.
  • Such actions include:
    • Attempts to exchange information with other Candidates.
    • Engagement in harassment, violence, indecent, disorderly; threatening, or offensive behaviour or language.
    • Use of unauthorized materials or electronic devices.
    • Smoking, vaping, eating, or drinking anything other than water during the examination period.
    • Possession of other prohibited belongings during the examination period.
    • Attempts to copy or remove examination materials from both test centre (examination site) and/or virtual environment.
    • Attempts to divulge to anyone the nature or content of any question or answer on the examination.
    • Obstruction or attempts to obstruct any officer, employee, or agent of the test centre/location in the performance of their duties.
    • Forgery or falsification of any document or knowingly making false statements concerning standing or results obtained in examinations.
    • Engagement in actions likely to cause injury or to impair safety.
    • Disobedience of a reasonable instruction given by a proctor, within their authority.
    • Refusal to disclose his or her name and other relevant details to a proctor or an employee or agent of the test centre in circumstances where it is reasonable to require that that information is given.

For all acts of misconduct, an Incident Report will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for review and a further course of disciplinary action may be deemed appropriate.