Failed or Missed Examinations
Candidates who fail their examination, may retake the examination. Candidates must complete the registration process and pay the examination fee again.
Candidates who miss their scheduled examination time slot for any reason will be identified as a “No-Show”. If they wish to retake the examination, they must reapply for the examination, and repay the examination fee. There are NO exceptions.
Misconduct and Disciplinary Procedures
Any action by a Candidate that might compromise the delivery of an examination is considered misconduct and disciplinary action will apply.
Any Candidate found to have violated the Candidate Protocol will be assigned a "Fail" score and will forfeit their examination fee.
Such actions include:
- Attempting to give or receive information from other Candidates.
- Engaging in harassment, violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, or offensive behaviour or language.
- Using unauthorized materials or electronic devices.
- Smoking, vaping, eating, or drinking anything other than water during the examination period.
- Possessing prohibited belongings during the examination period.
- Attempting to copy or remove examination materials from both test center (examination site) and/or virtual environment.
- Attempting to or divulging to anyone the nature or content of any question or answer on the examination.
- Obstructing or attempting to obstruct the Proctor or any officer, employee, or agent of the test center / location in the performance of their duties.
- Forging or falsifying any document of knowingly making false statements concerning standing or results obtained in examinations.
- Engaging in action which is likely to cause injury or to impair safety.
- Disobeying a reasonable instruction given within their authority by a Proctor.
- Refusing to disclose his or her name and other relevant details to a Proctor or an employee or agent of a Test Centre in circumstances where it is reasonable to require that that information is given.
Incidents & Irregularities
In the event an examination has to be canceled or terminated due to circumstances beyond our control (ie. power failure, inclement weather, building loss of heat, etc.) the incident will be reported by the Proctor and Candidates will be accommodated without charge on an alternate date. Candidates will be contacted via email with the new date, time and location of the examination.
Accessibility and Testing Accommodations
In accordance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, reasonable testing accommodations will be provided to Candidates with disabilities, in order to ensure equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination.
All disability-related accommodations must be prescribed and approved by Humber in advance. Upon approval, an Accommodations Confirmation will be issued to the Candidate to present at examination check-in.
Services en français (French Language Services)
Les candidats peuvent demander une version française de l’examen (en version papier uniquement). À la réception de la demande, le Polytechnique Humber prendra les arrangements nécessaires pour fournir un examen et des services de surveillance en français.
Inscription à l'examenFileBuildingCodeRegistrationFormFrench.pdf (735.59 KB)
Protocole à suivre par les candidatsFileBuildingCodeCandidateProtocolFrench.pdf (227.88 KB)
Demande de révision d'un résultat d'examenFileAppealsOnExamsFrench.pdf (372.93 KB)