Quick Links
Click on any of the buttons below to access step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips for more information on the following processes and steps.
The COSSID Process
An overview of the steps involved in the course outline publishing process.
Humber Learning Outcomes
The HLOs encourage consideration of the skills and mindsets to succeed in the future of work.
Course Learning Outomes
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are the measurable outcomes students will achieve in the course.
Summative Assessments
Design assessments alongside course learning outcomes to ensure you are measuring the intended goals of your learning experience.
Assessment Weighting
Clarity in assessments and grading provides the student with a clear understanding of what is required to achieve success in the course.
Need Support?
- Contact the COSSID Team: cossid@humber.ca
- Pedagogical Support: Book a Teaching Consult through the Innovative Learning Support Centre
- Teaching Resources: Visit Innovative Learning’s website