Helpful Information About the SFQ
(Student Feedback Questionnaire)

The Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) invites students to provide anonymous feedback on their learning experience in each course each semester to support our shared commitment to ensuring the quality of our academic programs at Humber.

Student feedback is anonymous and confidential.

Starting Winter 2025, the SFQ consists of five core questions, all using a Likert scale, with faculty able to add up to six optional questions.

SFQs are open to students during a set period each semester, launching about 70% of the way through a course and closing before the final week. Two common examples:

  • in a 14-week course, SFQs are available in weeks 10 to 13
  • in a 7-week course, SFQs are available in weeks 5 and 6
What students need to know -
  • SFQs can be accessed via a link you will receive in your preferred email when the SFQ opens in your course. You can also access SFQs via Blackboard once your instructor activates them.
  • SFQs offer an opportunity for you to provide anonymous insights that help instructors update their course design and allow Humber to better understand your needs and experience as a student in our programs.
  • Your helpful insights can support improvements and innovations and allow your voice to impact the learning environment.
  • With each completed SFQ, students can enter a draw for a prize. The invitation to enter pop up automatically when you submit your SFQ.
  • If you have more than one instructor for a course, please select “save” instead of submit after completing the questions. Once you have provided feedback for every instructor, select “submit”.
Helpful information for teaching faculty +
  • We recommend holding 20 minutes in class for students to complete the SFQ.
  • It can be helpful to share a story of how feedback influenced an assignment, a topic, or an element of your course delivery to help students understand how their SFQ feedback can have an impact.
  • Instructors can add up to three personalized Likert scale questions and three personalized open-ended questions to the SFQ. This is a helpful way to tie the SFQ to your specific content, teaching practices, and initiatives and can be a convenient way to receive feedback. Watch your Humber email for a reminder about a week before the opening date of your course’s SFQ to submit your questions.
  • Once SFQs are open, you will receive a message in Blackboard reminding you to “activate” the SFQ and linking you to a tip sheet with easy-to-follow instructions.
  • Instructors can monitor the student response rate to SFQs while they are open. During that time period, a link will be shared via your Humber email.
  • While we ask instructors to activate the SFQ in Blackboard, it may be helpful to know that students can also access their SFQs via the email sent to their preferred email at the start of the SFQ period for their courses.
  • As a thank you when more than 50% of the students in a faculty member's course complete the SFQ, the faculty member is automatically entered into a raffle for an on-campus food services gift card, or service at the Humber room.

You can check the availability dates of your SFQ here by entering your course code (e.g. ABCD-123), the course title (e.g. Introduction to Marketing), or CRN (1234).

Winter 2025 Table

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