Representation of

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In 1932, Tod Browning directed the film Freaksopens in a new window, the story of a circus troupe and their efforts to save fellow performer Hans from a slow poisoning by the able-bodied, scheming Cleopatra. Divisive at the time it was made, Freaks has evolved into a cult classic and one that explores important narratives of representation, community and exploitation. Browning hired circus performers and disabled people to play disabled characters, a rarity even now, where the world of biopics and inspiration porn is dominated by able-bodied actors on a learning curve (Indiewire, 2020).

Pre-Hays Code opens in new window horror cinema relied on disabled tropes to elicit fear from their audience – this is where Freaks differed from the norm. While Freaks and director Browning “definitely exploits the sensationalistic thrills of the freak show, presenting these bodies as deviant and threatening, but only after it shows us that these performers are quite ordinary people, driven to defend themselves against supposedly ‘normal’ individuals who prey on and harm them.” (Indiewire, 2020).

How much has changed in film and television in the past 90 years? The backbone of the horror movie industry is still built on playing with peoples fear of difference.

Think of how you see disability represented onscreen – how many of the actors playing disabled characters are actually disabled? What kind of disabilities do we see depicted most often? Are there stereotypes or tropes we see only in relation to disabled people – superheroes, villains, or childish adults? The portrayals of disabled people in media have real life implications on the lives of disabled people, the policies, systems and cultural attitudes that govern their lives.

By hiring, engaging with and foregrounding disabled voices, media outlets can help disrupt harmful narratives and break new ground on ways that media can represent disability. Disability is a diverse and broad spectrum that deserves to be explored, and disabled people deserve to be at the writer’s table, behind the camera, in the editing room, and bringing those stories to life at every level.

Image: Graffiti silhouette of a person with multi-colour handprints Image credit - Anne Zbitnew

Learning Outcomes

  • Assess representation of disability in media in order to apply a critical lens to how media depicts disability in positive or negative ways.
  • Understand how representational language is used to influence the public.
  • Review the importance of mindfulness of representation of disability in the creation and production of media on a variety of platforms.
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