By typing my full name below (digital signature), I indicate that I agree to the contents of the disclaimer written below.
I understand that by submitting this form, I give permission for the Selection Committee to verify information submitted as part of my application (academic grades, residence conduct history, campus conduct history, student status, etc).
Furthermore, I understand and acknowledge that my consideration for any position(s) may end at any point due to the Selection Committee's review and/or assessment of any of the following: application content, reference check information, interview information, academic grade checks, and my residence or campus conduct history.
I also acknowledge that I will have completed at least one (1) academic year of post-secondary prior to the start date for any position(s). Lastly, as applicable, I understand that the Resident Assistant role requires me to live in residence.
Please type your full name above. This will act as your digital signature acknowledging that you both understand this information, and that you grant the Selection Committee permission to verify the above requested information as discussed.