2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group

The 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) is inviting interested faculty and staff who identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to join the ERG. The ERG helps advance a culture at Humber that is accepting and inclusive for all 2SLGBTQ+ staff, faculty and students through outreach, community development, events, and consultation.

The 2SLGBTQ+ ERG meets once a month (currently virtual) to engage in event planning, workshops, guest speakers, and discuss current topics at Humber College. We are always looking for new ideas, events, and opportunities to further engage our community within the ERG and Humber College.

Aligning with Humber’s Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, the ERG brings together employees who share a common identity, characteristic and set of interests. We work to create a culture of inclusion that enhances employee engagement and further supports Humber’s vision and values.

Humber employees who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and are interested in joining this ERG can indicate their interest by sending an email to co-chair Matthew Harris at matthew.harris@humber.ca.

Additional information about Humber’s Employee Resource Groups