Accessible Learning Services Best Practice Considerations - Accessible Course Materials

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility:

Accessible Learning Services Best Practice Considerations - Accessible Course Materials

  • Creating accessible documents present considerations beyond how the content is laid out on a page. 
  • Readability and comprehension by a wide audience, including persons with sensory impairments or learning disabilities, is important so your document needs to work well with screen reading software. 
  • Rather than retrofitting existing course materials to address accessibility after challenges arise, it is best to create content that is accessible from the start

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about creating accessible documents. 

Humber’s Teaching + Learning Support Centre also has a robust range of resources and workshops on creating accessible courses and materials, including instructions on how to create and caption videos through Panopto. Or, check out the Faculty ED Venture week podcast that was presented on March 22, 2021 providing tips on “Making your Online Content and Learning Materials More Accessible”.  

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.